Thursday, October 8, 2015

THE VOLTAIRE SOCIETY: Talking Philosophy

The Philosophy Club at Wolfson Campus welcomes you to an environment that opens up your mind to learn, share and critique philosophical ideas. We meet every Tuesday at 1pm in Room 3226 to discuss philosophical topics of interest that range from the relationship (if any) between wisdom and happiness, the universality of beauty, the philosophy of time travel to the role of philosophy in the nature of science and in particular, artificial intelligence. The list really is endless and we are more than happy to hear what you have to say on the issues discussed.


Discuss, Debate and Deliver

If you are a student taking Phi2010, we understand that fifty minutes of lecture time isn't enough to express your thoughts and clear your doubtful mind. Your mind is like an ocean of thoughts, flooded with unprocessed, fresh and raw ideas gushing in all directions. And you might find yourself drowning in a dark void of doubt until your fifty minutes is up and your stream of consciousness vaporizes  to thin air where it will remain forever. Regardless, even if you are a student completely unfamiliar with Philosophical concepts, there is nothing that can prevent the evolution of a thought or the blooming of a brilliant idea. And the beauty of it lies in the fact that it can happen anywhere, anytime. You might be in a train on your way to college, contemplating about motion and somehow find yourself thinking about the possibilities of time travel or at the cinema being baffled by the philosophy and possibility of artificial intelligence after watching Spike Jonze's Her.

The Voltaire Society is the right place to give voice and value to your thoughts and ideas.

In addition to conducting discussions and debates that will primarily be on (but won't be limited to) a philosophical topic taught or referred to in class, we also organize field trips to enhance our learning. We also watch movies and documentaries that consist of deep philosophical theories and read works of literature that revolve around similar topics on which our analysis and discussions will be based off of.  


Voltaire, or  François-Marie Arouet, was a French philosopher and a prolific writer who stood up for civil rights such as the right for freedom of speech and freedom of religion in particular. We decided to incorporate his views on the freedom of speech into the ethic of the Philosophy Club so we can freely express our opinions on a variety of  topics in a civilized and dignified environment.


We upload articles on philosophical topics discussed and debated on during our meetings as well as issues taught in class. We also have a section dedicated to students who are in need of assistance with the Phi2010 course which consists of reviews, and guidelines for writing a good Philosophy Paper. 

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